How To Prevent Cross-contamination Taking Over A Hotel Kitchen

Use color-coded chopping boards - by using color-coded chopping boards you are going to greatly reduce the amount of cross-contamination that can take place inside a hotel kitchen. Most of the time cross-contamination happens when a chopping board that has been used to cut raw poultry gets used to cut salad. Most of the time cross-contamination happens when a chopping board that has been used to cut raw poultry gets used to cut salad.

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Worst Toxic Foods that you should avoid


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Some drinks are quite risky to your health. With a high level of toxicity, they can adversely affect your health, which is obviously not a favorable reality to settle for. Talk of unpasteurized milk, foru loko, and purple drank; these are drinks you should be very cautious about. Especially when it comes to giving a drink to your kid, any of these and a good number of others should not feature in your preference list.

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Talking about Wine


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Good wine and good food go well together. The only problem is that not many people have mastered the art of pairing the two together.

Pairing red wine with food


Probably the first red wine that you drank in an Italian restaurant, Barbera goes well with tomato-based dishes and those from the North of Italy.

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